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K-market Kilpishalli is located in the heart of the village of Kilpisjärvi. Kilpishalli is a place where you will find everything from food to electric heaters and small home appliances, lots of local products, and a varied selection of fresh meat. A currency exchange facility is also available there. In addition, you may also like to visit Alko and Neste service station, where you will also receive the services of Posti, Matkahuolto and Muonio's branch pharmacies. You are also welcome to use the services of a sports equipment store Sportbutikk.

Accommodation and restaurant services are provided by:

Arctic Land Adventure, 0400 454 516, info@arcticlandadventure.com
Arctic Polar Lomakylä, 0400 232 217, myynti@arcticpolar.fi
Kilpisjärvi's Hiking Center, 040 778 9445, info@kilpisjarvenretkeilykeskus.fi
Kilpisjarvi Lodge, 0400 854 595, info@tunturimajat.fi
Lapland Hotels Kilpis, 016 323 300, kilpis@laplandhotels.com
Haltinmaa Guest House, 040 763 1369, satusisko@yahoo.se
Saivaara Cottages, 040 722 7609, ilkka.leinonen@pp1.inet.fi
Santa’s Chalets Rakka, 0400 102 162, kilpisjarvi@santashotels.fi
Tundrea – Kilpisjärvi Lomakeskus Oy, 0400 396 684, info@tundrea.com
Villa Kilpisjärvi, 0400 693 590, info@villakilpisjarvi.fi

Restaurant services are provided by also:

Restaurant Kilpis, 045 157 2552, info@ravintolakilpis.fi

In addition to all the above, you may wish to  contact any of the program service companies listed below:

Grayling Land, Aki Huhtanen 045 266 5222, aki@graylingland.com
Heliflite, +358 400 155 111, contact@heliflite.fi
Kilpissafarit, Jussi Rauhala 040 545 5123, info@kilpissafarit.fi
Lapland Hide, 0500 708 700, laplandhide68@gmail.com
M/S Malla – Kilpisjärvi Cruise, 0400 669 392, +47 918 81 782, perblik@live.no
Polar-Lento, Pirjo Hassinen, 0400 396 087, polar.lento@harriniva.fi
The Lapland Connection, Martti Niskanen, 0400 396 453, laplandconnection@gmail.com
Tunturikone, Esa Aidantausta, 0400 210 104, esa.aidantausta@tunturikone.fi
Wild Trail Waters, Ville Alatalo, +358 50 413 3746, ville@wildtrailwaters.com

Taxi services are provided by:

Kilpisjärvi taxi, Elli-Maria Kultima, 0400 138 262, elli@kilpistaksi.com
Kilpis taxi & Arctic care ky, 040 5344741
Käsivarri Transport, Joni 0400 323 634, info@kasivarrenkuljetus.fi